Three Taverns
Jan 1, 2020
To "Teddie" (Theodora)
from Fairmont
In Memorium:
Edward J. Bray
Buckhannon, West Virginia

Ye Dronken Wyvern is men drinking whiskey and playing dice,
and about eleven, there’s a disagreement about someone allegedly
cheating, and an ensuing knife fight, with someone getting
El Astallon is student-y, in the French or German sense of
the word. You go in, they serve you a mug of cheap but powerful
Algerian red wine from one of those big barrels at the back of
the shop, you sit down at one of the long tables, and at the top
of your lungs, you sing songs from Carmina Burana. About
midnight, they chuck you out, and then about a hundred of you go
around to the chief magistrate’s new house, and throw rocks at
the windows. The windows on the ground floor are protected by
shutters, and your aim at the upstairs windows is necessarily
At Weird Sniffs, you sprawl out in one of those lounge
chairs, and they serve you a sugar cube laced with LSD. You
swallow it and spend the rest of the evening giggling
hysterically at passersby...