My Comments on:

Keith Halderman

Alternative Fuel Decision (now)

HNN [pseudonym], 

Andrew D. Todd

(My Responses)

(05/17/2010 08:47 AM )

Hemp Is  Not An  Alternative Fuel.

The  hemp-istas  start from their  desire to  legalize  cannabis, and proceed to  rather convoluted arguments. I don't  object to  cannabis legalization, on  purely  practical grounds, though I  have some  difficulty in seeing  cannabis as a great  freedom,  rather than a small vice. I would certainly agree that cannabis is  less destructive than distilled spirits. However,  I doubt that hemp would make a very good fuel-stock.

If you leave land to its own  devices for a few  years, it does not  revert to hemp.  In most  parts of the  United States, it  reverts to trees (depending on region, varying proportions of Oak, Maple, Beech,  Pine, Aspen,  Spruce, etc. ). On  the great  plains, the  land reverts to tallgrass.  Unlike a cultivated cropfield, the wildland is not a monoculture-- it has a  little of this and a little of that. If you walk through a pasture-type-field and look  closely, you can easily pick  out a dozen different species, and the same applies for a woodlot.  The  natural seeding process carries  seeds for miles, and a process  of natural selection operates, favoring all  kinds of synergistic relations. The one-species  monoculture crop is a kind of market distortion, reflecting the need to  produce a standard grain that a trader on the Corn Exchange, who has never got  the soil of  the land on  his boots, can  buy and sell.

Methanol  is sometimes called wood alcohol,  because it was first discovered as a byproduct of the making of charcoal from  wood. People  traditionally  burn  wood for fuel, and the charcoal kiln is  simply a modification of this. The charcoal-burner took the customary fuel of his time and place, whatever that was, and used  it  to make pure carbon for metal-smelting.  When coal became the dominant  fuel, the kiln was  re-designed to  burn  off the impurities of coal, and became a coking  oven.  Both methanol and pure carbon (charcoal, coke) are simply  the result of quenching the  combustion process in midstream. Methanol and carbon  can  be  made from anything  which will  burn. They are not primary fuels in their  own right, but intermediate energy carriers, equivalent  to electricity.  Nowadays, I might add, the ascendant form of steelmaking is the electric-arc  furnace. The latest development involves microwaving iron ore.

Major coal deposits were formed about  four hundred million years ago, at a time when  the world  was comparatively swampy, and dead small plants tended to accumulate to a considerable depth in  the form of organic muck, or  peat. Over geological time, peat got compressed, first into  lignite, and  then into  coal.  In swampy areas, people traditionally don't cut  wood  for fuel-- they  cut peat instead.  On a larger  scale, the Irish electric authority runs some of its power plants on peat. What people do not generally do  is to cut small plants of a particular species for  fuel, because that  is extremely  labor-intensive. 
Prairie Agricultural Machinery  Institute and Alberta Farm Machinery Research Centre, "Using  Straw as a  Farm Heating  Fuel"  (Research Update 719, 1995). This article  describes using straw-- a byproduct of grain production-- for fuel. Straw has a fuel  value, per pound, roughly comparable to  wood or lignite, and about  half of that of coal. This system  works economically  because the  combine-harvester has  to cut the entire grain stalk to feed  it into the thresher unit, and the spent  straw  is deposited in  a compact windrow, where  it can be easily gathered  up.  It would not work if  the fuel use of straw had  to  bear the full costs of production.
Presumably hay,  the most nearly comparable crop to hemp which is grown in its own right, would have a roughly comparable  heat value, and the going  rate for hay is about a hundred dollars a ton (to the farmer), or, in terms of fuel value, about five to ten times the price of coal.  The probable sources of fuel for methanol will be  substantially the same kinds of fuels  which are used to make electricity, especially, for the time  being, coal, which is at present the single  largest source of electricity.

More fundamentally, electricity is  in the ascendant. Interesting new transportation systems will naturally  run on electricity. Let  me  give you an example. This new volcano in Iceland will presumably  be erupting, off and on, for a year or more.  The practical  effect  is  to  put European  aviation back  thirty years or so, to the days when airplanes were  at the mercy of the weather. When  the  weather was  bad, the flights simply had  to wait until it improved. Railroads, on the other  hand, keep getting better, with ever-faster electric bullet-trains. Gaps in  the high-speed railroad network will be bridged. As  the railroads improve, they tend to become more and more  like subways, becoming more and more detached from the environment. Madrid seems to be free of  the volcanic ash  for the most  part, and transatlantic flights will presumably be re-routed  there, the travelers getting between Spain and the rest of Europe by  train.

Here is a  link to a review essay of material, mostly about electric cars, and about the intelligent use of electricity in transportation.

I developed a kind of  dialectic to show how the transportation energy problem practically reduces to coming  up with a good electric subway. That said, hemp is not a serious candidate for  fueling electric power plants. Such plants run on fuels which are, generally speaking,  both  inexpensive and  locally available. Consequently, electricity generation does not involve  a significant global commerce in fuels. 

[Keith Halderman claimed that Canabis is abunda in nature. So I explained that:]

(05/19/2010 03:40 AM)

Abundant at the level that  you can go botanizing for it is one thing.  Abundant at the level to enable mechanical harvesting is another.  The dominant plant biomass in a state of nature is pine, or spruce, or oak, or maple, as the  case may be, or some mixture of them. Annual shrubs such as Cannabis occur only in clearings in the forest. Almost anything which involves annual harvesting is likely to be uneconomic as a source of fuel. The kind of harvesting mechanisms which work for foodstuffs don't work for fuel, because fuel  has to be  so much cheaper.  The whole point of a woodlot is that you  leave it for twenty  years, and come back and harvest the  accumulated  growth, stored in the form of tree trunks. 

The  so-called Hearst conspiracy:

This conspiracy  theory was  put forward  by  a bong salesman, and has been thoroughly debunked, not that it needed much debunking.  You can make paper from just  about any  kind of fiber. In fact, good  paper is traditionally  made from cloth rags. The economics of jute paper or sisal paper would probably have been very  much the same as those of hemp paper. As for the claimed merits of hemp paper, every inventor claims that his invention is the greatest thing  since Polar Bear ice  cream. It's the nature of the  beast.

(05/20/2010 11:19 PM )     

Coal costs something like twenty to forty dollars per ton. As a ton of coal is the energy equivalent of two hundred gallons of gasoline, that is comparable to gasoline costing ten  to twenty cents  a gallon.  Wholesale electricity (baseline load) generated from coal costs about three cents per Kilowatt-hour, half of  that going for the coal. Nuclear electricity costs seven cents per Kilowatt-hour, and I  understand that wind electricity is rapidly closing in on nuclear. The value of gasoline derives not from its inherent value as fuel,  but from  "lock-in," the fact that automobiles and roads are designed to use  gasoline, that the  roads are  not fitted with electric trolley wires, etc. Historically, oil only only cost fifty cents a gallon, on a wholesale basis, before we began playing silly games in the Middle  East, and the retail price of gasoline was only about a dollar. Five or ten dollars a gallon for gasoline, exclusive of tax, is not sustainable on a long-term basis, simply because that is enough to trigger the adoption of electric transportation, and the end of  "lock-in." 

For most annual plants, there is a fairly  narrow time-window when the plants are fully mature, and have comparatively low moisture content, before  they die and release seeds. Often, once  the plants have been  cut, they  generally have  to be  stacked in the open fields to dry  out further. This means that  during harvest  season, the farmer is always worrying about the weather, and about the availability of a short-term labor supply.  That gets expensive. Over the long term, if you try to sell fuel at farm crop prices, you will be undercut  by electricity, possibly nuclear, possibly wind-based.

Now, the  two conventional crop-based  biofuels, that is corn-based ethanol and  legume-based biodiesel, are based around the premise that extracting them improves the value of  the residues. Specifically the residues  are high-protein foods. One commentator describe the process as  "taking the candy bar out of the corn." The idea  is that if you feed cattle a high-protein, athletic-training-table sort of diet, their  meat will command  higher prices. From the agricultural standpoint, the sugars and lipids (fats, oils) which go to make biofuels are waste  products.

The hemp advocates, I find, are taking the opposite tack. They are expecting to  have large quantities of hemp fiber available as a waste product of the production of hemp oil, considered as a foodstuff. According to David Malmo-Levine, whom  you cite, an acre is supposed to yield something  like six tons of hemp fiber, suitable for  fuel uses, and a hundred gallons of hemp  oil  at something like fifteen dollars a gallon. However, fuel consumption is measured in tons per capita.  When one scales Malmo-Levine's  figures  up to the level required to make a significant dent in  national energy requirements, it works out to something like a sixth of the United States' land area under hemp cultivation, and every man, woman, and child consuming a quart of hemp oil per day. That is totally  unrealistic. Recipes call for the inclusion of a tablespoon or two of vegetable oil in a dish which serves four or six people.  Obviously, the  edible-oil market would be  saturated  long before enough was produced to subsidize a significant quantity  of biofuel.

That puts you back into the situation of producing a crop roughly comparable to hay. Again, you would be  trying to  sell fuel at food prices. Fuel is required in such large quantities that  you cannot really produce it as a byproduct of anything else. The fuel-producing process has to be economic in its own terms.

For something low-value like fuel, the scarce resource is the labor of the  people who harvest it.  A forestry operation divides up its land into, say, twenty parcels, and visits each parcel once every  twenty years. They start by cutting down existing  trees, and planting seedlings, and move on to a different parcel, and after twenty years,  they can come back  to the  first  parcel.  They cut  wood at a steady pace over the  year, adverse weather permitting. In fact, the way forestry  was actually practiced in the American West in W. R.  Hearst's time, they tended to  cut old-growth timber,  trees  hundreds of years old, and several feet in diameter. Eventually,  shortages of really big trees developed, and regulations in National Forests became more stringent. The 1980's were the decade of the  Spotted Owl.  I am reminded on the  legend  I saw, in  the late 1980's, on the billboard sign of a  rough  mill-workers' tavern in an Oregon saw-mill town, reading: "You can hoot and  howl/ We don't give a ----- for the Spotted Owl." At that time, large trucks  were still hauling logs a couple of feet in diameter down out of the  mountains, bound to the  local Weyerhauser plant. There was another plant, on  the outskirts of  town, which made sawdust into charcoal briquettes.

As for the Hearst conspiracy, as per Steven Wishnia, cited above, the indisputable fact  is that W. R. Hearst  was a newspaper owner on a very  large scale, and that, as such, he had a massive interest in cheap paper, from whatever source. At a minimum, you would have to show that he  was producing substantially more paper than his newspapers consumed. Furthermore, Hearst  added substantial added value to raw paper in the course of turning it into newspapers. Again, it seems undisputed that Hearst was having difficulties  paying for the raw  paper he purchased, and got into debt to the paper mills. Unless you can challenge that, in a well-documented way, I don't see that  you  have the  beginnings of a case.

Paper-making consists of two parts. First you cook unspecified stuff in  large kettles, until you get  pulp, and then you spread the  pulp  out in thin  sheets and squeeze the water  out of it.  The second part is inherently more  laborious, requires more elaborate machines, etc.,  That said, it seems probable that a paper-mill could  have adapted to a different  raw  material by  adjusting the cookery necessary to  get  pulp, and then  proceeding  normally. Beyond paper-making per se, there are additional processes to give the  paper the desired kind of surface, etc. Magazine  paper has to be coated with a thin layer of clay, for example.  The raw material is the least part of paper-making.

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